KOBolds and catacombs: REVIEW

2017 will be remembered as a year of small, big changes for the Blizzard card game hearthstone kobolds and catacombs . We have followed closely the evolution since the debut of the new format, with the Anno del Mammut , on the occasion of the release of Viaggio a Un’Goro .

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The players had to deal with a wave of innovations translated into a different marketing strategy aimed at the inclusion of the community, in the nth rotation of the sets, in the disappearance of the adventures as we have always known them and in a decisive redevelopment of the format Wild, which for some time suffered from an embarrassing stagnation after its introduction at the beginning of the Kraken Year.


hearthstone gameplay


List of hearthstone best hero:

9. Warrior


8. Priest


7. Shaman


6. Hunter


5. Druid


4. Mage


3. Warlock


2. Paladin


1. Rogue


Also on the eSport front the title appears, in this moment, in excellent shape.

The already strong community continues to grow, following the channels of the pro players and welcomes with great enthusiasm the many events that Blizzard organizes around the world.

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December is a traditionally quiet period in this respect, but it is the canonical calm before the storm.

After the end of the long run of the HCT with the Last Stand (final event of the season that awarded the last four slots available for the world championship in Amsterdam)

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Blizzard is in fact ready to start again with a 2018 full of events and news from a competitive standpoint and beyond.

Exactly as happened this year, in fact, the development team aims to release three new expansions with a probable, yet another, renewal (and adjustment) of the two formats, Standard and Savage.

Before the Year of Mammoth (and, with it, 2017) is finally closed, however, Blizzard wanted to close with a bang.

The Dungeons, the arms, the Kobolds, the daring undertakings I sing

Of kobolds and catacombs we had the opportunity to speak in great detail during the weeks following the announcement made (as always with great pomp) by the volcanic Ben Brode during the BlizzCon 2017 .


The third and last expansion of this year sets aside the gigantic dinosaurs of the Crore of Un’Goro , with their innate propensity to evolve, and also (partially) the undead counterparts of our heroes who became, in a torrid August, faithful servants of the Lich King.


For the occasion, the development team decided to go back to exploring a more “classic” dimension, trying to explore themes and settings that could bring the card game closer to the world and Warcraft fantasy imagery goblins vs gnomes . Not only that: with kobolds and catacombs,


Blizzard had the absolute need to (re) conquer a large slice of the public (perhaps the majority) who, loudly, asked for dedicated and long-lived single player content.

Given the sad departure, with the new format, of the Adventures players (especially those “occasional”, or ” for fun“if you want to call them that)



they found themselves orphans of the possibility of replenishing their collection with new and useful cards without necessarily forcing money to buy additional bags.

Almost 140 grafts every four months , effectively, represent a considerable obstacle for the player” medium “, unable (or simply unprepared) to invest time and money to get some satisfaction in the monthly ladder.

The solution seems to have been found also in a simple and intuitive way: through the implementation of an unedited and “repeatable” single player experience.

Aimed at replacing the relatively young Missions format previously seen in Ice Knight Knights .


Hearthstone strategy guide


With the Expeditions mode , in short, Blizzard tries to recover the essence of the dungeon crawlers of the times that were extrapolating the ludic model that we could call ” endless “.

That is, without solution of continuity, to propose it to the Hearthstone players. Brodo and associates, this time, will have made center?

Down, in the tunnels, the Tesssori wait for patients,hearthstone card list

The move to introduce a modality for a single player substantially “infinite” appears.

In power, ingenious as well as very attractive for a wide audience.

Moreover, this addition has the merit of being self-sufficient and,therefore.

Of guaranteeing some hours of healthy fun to all those who have the desire to play even if they do not have particular cards or do not know in depth strategies and synergies.


On the contrary, Shipments represent a way to learn and “train” without necessarily having to enter the competitive arena.

The new game mode basically moves through three main directives: pick a class, fight a boss, get loot .

Once you have chosen one of the nine available classes, let’s start with ten basic cards.

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As we enter the meanders of the mysterious caverns, home of the disagreeable Coboldi.

We come across increasingly eclectic bosses, powerful and difficult to deal with.

Each opponent, once defeated, will “drop” three themed loot.

Each of which will contain three cards that will then be added to the premade deck created at the beginning of the game.


We can only choose one, to prepare ourselves for the next opponent,so we must pay the utmost attention to the choice.

Moreover, on a regular basis, our deck is enriched with passive bonuses really very special which come into play at the start of the match, slightly distorting the rules.


What’s new in gaming?

It is possible, for example, that an artifact raises the cost of summoning the enemy’s creatures.

Or that reduces the mana necessary to use the spells or, again, that doubles our maximum health.

Do not think, however, that these “helpers” make things easy.

The eight bosses (randomly chosen by a rich pool of 48 possibilities ) have made us more difficult times.

Proving difficult after the fourth or fifth fight, depending on the class we chose to deal with the expedition.