Category: Popular Games


Four years, four long years, that’s all the time it has taken since Blizzard announced at Blizzcon in 2011 his promising free-to-play MOBA , Blizzard DOTA , also known (for legal issues) as Blizzard All-Stars to start calling, just in …


Hatred got a huge notoriety when he presented himself for the apology to the senseless violence he proclaimed. The game, an isometric view shooter like many others we have seen, …


A couple of years ago, the South African studio The Brotherhood was getting funding for its peculiar title, called Stasis , a game that came only a few days ago to Steam and …

Tales from the Borderlands

The graphic adventures are re-merged with licenses of other genres with the particular vision of Telltale Games in Tales from the Borderlands , a spin-off of the popular and carefree FPS owned by 2K . After delighting …