Category: Popular Games
The girls discovered a new way in which guys spy on them in the locker rooms, and even shoot on video. The network warned the girls to be careful, …
In the last week of 2019 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare the third time in a row topped the English retail chart. In addition, they retained their positions in …
The actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya, who became famous after participating in the TV series “Univer”, reacted to the popular new series “The Witcher” with Geralt, and even stated …
After the release of the superhero movie Avengers Final, fans were shown a new actor in the role of Loki, who will replace Tom Hiddleston after the Loki series …
Caution spoilers! Those who have already managed to watch the first season The Witcher from Netflix, know that in the finale Geralt first meets Ciri. The witcher tells the …
Publishing house Deep silver and studio King art games introduced a new gameplay strategy trailer Iron harvestscheduled for release September 1, 2023 years on Playstation 4, Xbox one and …
Recently opened Tokyo’s first Japanese company store Nintendo It turned out to be so popular among visitors that it can’t cope with the influx of local and foreign customers. …
Japanese developer Hideo Kojima took second place in the ranking of the most talked about people of 2019 on the social network “In contact with“. In total, his name …
Earlier this month we published a list of the best games of 2019 according to, and today we are posting a separate article in which our authors and …
Expected by many gamers Grand theft auto vistudio is developing Rockstar games, leaked one of its testers to the network. The network has new information on GTA VI from …