Category: Popular Games
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment announced the start of new promotions in the digital store PS Store: “Hot Deals” and “PlayStation Indie Games”. Both are valid until September 1 and … with reference to data GfK reports that 146,000 consoles were sold in the UK in July. This is 21% less than in June. The top-selling console last month …
Developers from the studio CD Projekt RED announcedthat patch version 1.3 for Cyberpunk 2077 is already available for download on consoles and PC. The authors of the action role-playing …
AMD Released Image Reconstruction Technology Late June FidelityFX Super Resolution… At the moment, the feature is only available in a few titles on PC and one on PlayStation 5, …
In the European PlayStation Store started two sales at once. The first is dedicated to big projects, and the second to indie games. Both promotions will end on September …
Book cycle “Witcher“and a series of games produced CD Projekt RED among some fans are considered slavic fantasy, since in the works of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski the …
Polish studio CD Projekt RED revealed detailed information about the long-awaited update 1.3 for a sensational role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077… Fans have been waiting for him for several months. …
We already know that Harley Quinn’s design is from the game Batman: Arkham City served as a source inspiration for the director James Gunn when creating one of the …
Polish studio CD Projekt REDknown for role-playing games such as The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077, announced the search for a new specialist. The team needed a game camera programmer …
Polish studio CD Projekt RED officially announced the first set of free RPG add-ons Cyberpunk 2077… As part of a thematic broadcast dedicated to a large-scale update 1.3, the …