Category: Half Life Alyx
Standing in front of Siege of Dragonspear is a somewhat unique experience. It’s one thing to relive a game through a new version / remake / reboot or any of …
The Crow’s Eye is a first-person adventure that mixes puzzles, platforms and some psychological terror that also has obvious referents from the start. Developed by the Spanish …
Blackwood Crossing is the first title of the independent English studio PaperSeven , formed in 2011 by former members of Black Rock Studio. The game takes months attracting attention and raising expectations where …
It is said that one of the endemic evils of the modern game is the lack of difficulty. Large productions tend to facilitate the gaming experience through the use of all …
The genre of stealth has suffered from a marked lack of innovation for years. The bases were already defined in the 90s with Thief and since then they have been …
n addition, the new delivery arrives directly for the new generation consoles, without being halfway between platforms. It is not that you notice much, accustomed to the technological deployment of …
Everything in this videogame evokes that glorious era in which life was measured by impossible jumps and crazy acrobatics. It’s a great virtue, of course, but in the video game …
Precisely the previous title of this saga, Spelunker World , serves as the basis to give life to Spelunker Party! , a title that despite its name has nothing to do with family …
Some video games are primarily meant to discuss. The technique is to put in the focus of a problem that touches a large portion of users and create around the …
The Monokuma Game We can only go back to the reviews of the two games already published on these PSVita pages , as this collection offers nothing unusual compared …