Category: Games TOP
Tomorrow’s dawn Horizon Zero Dawnis Guerrilla’s most ambitious work, which for five years has worked on this project that can demonstrate, with no shadow of doubt, the full artistic …
Today, in all Halo Wars 2 stores ( here you find the review ), we have been Microsoftguests at Microsoft House in Viale Pasubio to interview Frank O’Connor, Halo’sFranchise Development Director who has been lucky and the pleasure of seeing …
Simple yet functional gameplay I do not like when the word experience comes to a video game, I do not think I mean a lot and I think it’s …
The first plain, the simplest visual one, is the Mystery Meat Sushi: it increases the attack of 50 and the HP of 100, so if you need a little …
Full Throttle Tribe Although the prologue goes a bit deafening, showing us the early stages of Aloy’s growth and its tribulations resulting from his tribe’s marginalization, after a handful …
The price to deceive death Deceiving death is one of the main goals of man since his first vagaries: the only antidote to fear of the aftermath, however, is …
Some notion of more about Gravel Gravel is a title that announces itself as the most extreme of off-road games, with a lot of modes and with a less simplistic …
At dawn of the times The first and immediately recognizable distinctive feature of Ys Origin is that, by heart, it is the first chapter of the long Falcom saga to not …
The art of being lethal Ghost Recon Wildlands catapult us into an adversary Bolivia, constantly afflicted by a guerrillas between the Santa Blanca cartel, the humbling law enforcement, the rebels …
homework In the thirty-third anniversary of the saga, which debuted in Japan in 1983, and then in the West over a disproportionate number of platforms, Bomberman looks the same with …