Category: Games TOP
Titles such as Hotline Miami have marked the era thanks to its explosive mixture of action, challenge and a very particular mood; others like Party Hard , betting on a slower and less visceral …
At the beginning of last year the Polish studio Bloober Team surprised us with Layers Of Fear , a first-person horror adventure with a strong n arrative charge, which stood out for …
Absolver is the first game from the developer Sloclap, formed by former Ubisoft workers. It is edited by Devolver Digital, an independent distri butor with a lot of experience in the …
NBA Playgrounds is one of those downloadable games that was watched with some interest in recent weeks. The first trailer that appeared in the title invited to remember arcade-style sports games, …
Guilty Gear has not had an easy penetration in the European and Spanish market. The fact that his distribution was especially bad and late did not help much. If we add to …
Have you ever imagined that hell had a form similar to the world you know … but everything was reversed? That is the outline of what Mad Gear Games , a Spanish …
Old Man’s Journey is a video game really beautiful and evocative, which puts us in the skin of an old man whose spirit of adventure defined much of his …
Pirate life best life Ron, boats and swords; vast world, enemies to baskets and exploration without brake. Renowned Explorers brings all these attributes together and takes them to their terrain …
As it is undeniable that the Ys franchise has made history of video games, it is also fair to recognize that it has not enjoyed the recognition it deserves …
PES 2018, Analysis in progress September begins and with him, the football season on a virtual level. It is already usual that Konami is the first to give the starting signal with …