Category: Games TOP

Serial Cleaner

Titles such as Hotline Miami  have marked the era thanks to its explosive mixture of action, challenge and a very particular mood; others like Party Hard , betting on a slower and less visceral …


At the beginning of last year the Polish studio Bloober Team surprised us with Layers Of Fear , a first-person horror adventure with a strong n   arrative charge, which stood out for …


Absolver is the first game from the developer Sloclap, formed by former Ubisoft workers. It is edited by Devolver Digital, an independent distri   butor with a lot of experience in the …


NBA Playgrounds is one of those downloadable games that was watched with some interest in recent weeks. The first trailer that appeared in the title invited to remember arcade-style sports games, …

Renowned Explorers

Pirate life best life Ron, boats and swords; vast world, enemies to baskets and exploration without brake. Renowned Explorers brings all these attributes together and takes   them to their terrain …

PES 2018

PES 2018, Analysis in progress September begins and with him, the football season on a virtual level. It is already usual that Konami is the first to give the starting signal with …