Category: Games TOP

Mafia III

The Heir of a Great Classic Days after its release, without copies of advance access to the press, much has been what has transpired about Mafia III . To all this we …

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 achieved something that few had done in recent years: focus the FPS genre on what they proposed ahead of other projects that commercially have long ago no rival …


He came to win more than 60 awards at E3 2013, his presentation. Best of the event, best game console, PC, best action title, best multiplayer … Plain and simple, devastated. The hype …

Dishonored 2

Note: Dishonored 2 in its PC version does not seem to go well in a wide range of equipment. Apart from a widespread problem in the use of the mouse, which …


Developed by OneorEight, an indie Japanese company or how this type of games are known in Japan ( Doujin ) Earth’s Dawn plunges us into the Warhammer 40000: Eternal Crusade   …


Owlboy is not at all the most awaited game of the year, but it is certainly a title that has maintained some expectation after its eventful development. Not in vain, the owl …

Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster arrives as the spiritual heir to the once successful Roller Coaster Tycoonsaga , and has compelling reasons to do so. This is a game that offers more polished creation and …