Category: Game Platforms
Developers from the studio Housemarque were reminded that in their new project Returnalcreated exclusively for Playstation 5key features of the gamepad will be involved DualSense – Adaptive triggers and …
Role-playing game launch Cyberpunk 2077 from company CD Projekt RED was overshadowed by technical issues – on consoles Playstation 4 and Xbox one the project is full of bugs …
Star-Lord, who is in four MCU films Marvel played Chris Pratt, turned out to be bisexual, which was confirmed in the ninth issue of the comic “Guardians of the …
One of the trends in the gaming industry in recent years is the introduction of ray tracing technology. However the developer and engineer Bur Carter brought the situation to …
Daniil Zeus Teslenko continued to intrigue with his project, Abai HObbit Khasenov confessed his love Gambit Esports, Danil Dendi Ishutin met with Roman Resolut1on Fomink, a Peter ppd Daguerre …
Answering investors’ questions, company executives CD Projekt told that they do not plan to reduce the cost in the foreseeable future Cyberpunk 2077 in versions for Playstation 4 and …
Despite the scandal with the deception of players and journalists, the release of the game Cyberpunk 2077 literally made the founders of the Polish company rich CD Projekt RED… …
Model Miroslava Ladovir presented a cosplay for Triss Merigold from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The girl made a festive sorceress costume – an evening dress, in which she …
Company Ubisoft conducts a promotion “Five days of gifts“, as part of which plans to please players on different platforms. Yesterday she gave a free distribution of Bayek’s outfit …
Company Wargaming announced the start in World of Tanks Console the third season, which came with the release of the largest update in the history of the game. The …