Category: Game Platforms
Employees Digital foundry put Streets of Rage 4 on a par with Sonic mania, Mega Man 11 and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdomcalling the freshly released game a …
After the announcement of a new Assassin’s creed the network immediately began to draw parallels between Valhalla and God of War in 2018. Some fans believe that the setting …
Company Valve paid tribute to the actor who died last month in the 80th year of life Riku Mayvoiced by the Soldier in Team fortress 2. Yesterday, the developers …
It took less than a month and a half Animal Crossing: New Horizons to become the best-selling game for Nintendo switch in Japanese retail. This is evidenced by the …
Publisher Coffee stain publishing and developers from the studio Easy Trigger Games announced the release date of the cooperative retro shooter Huntdown. The game will be released May 12 …
Company Sony pictures engaged in the production of franchise films Spider-man since 2002, when the first part of the cult trilogy was born Sam Raimi. Nevertheless, the studio began …
Representatives commented on the transference The international 2023 according to Dota 2 and told us what they think about the impact of this situation on Dota. They also …
Film company Paramount promises to release new “Transformers” June 24, 2023. Now in the bowels of the studio work is underway on two different films: the script of the …
One of the users Reddit accidentally managed to play a round in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with a third-person perspective. Forum member under the nickname Tkade14 He said …
Fan Sega Dreamcast, artist Pierre Roussel, drew a console with the characters of popular games that came out on the system. In the picture, the prefix is divided into …