Category: Gameplay Videos
A goblin emerges from the darkness Styx is always the goblin from the long tongue and from the barbell we’ve learned to know before, just as humans and elves …
A ruined kingdom The story begins in an absolutely atypical way: our protagonist, young Kay, finds he is the worthy heir to the throne of Ascalia’s kingdom. To such a …
At table level WARTILE is a video game, but it does everything to resemble its hypothetical physical counterpart : after the brief tutorial mission, the onscreen menu shows all the parts …
Cooking is an art. There is little to go around. It takes time, passion and fantasy to become starred chefs. In any case, not everyone has the time or the intent to …
Towards the Frontier, and beyond! The concept behind Lightspeed Frontier , a title developed by Crowdwork Studios in collaboration with Riveted Games , is as simple as effective. Equipped with a tiny modular unit with which …
Bumped covers The game, without any kind of narrative nunnery, catapults us straight into the dirt. From now on, we find three single-player modes: the first is the career that …
Ready, steady, GO! As mentioned in the opening, Disc Jam proposes a sort of tennis match by replacing the racquets and the ball with a frisbee. The goal of the player is …
Start your adventure The title we are going to talk about today, Touhou: Genso Wanderer , originally came to Japan in 2015 and arrive s on our market after a wait …
An unexpected awakening The game starts with Tim awakening in a bedroom that is not his, when he gets lost and stunned, asks himself where he is. The next rooms …
From the fusion of two worlds a mortal danger is born Before beginning the analysis of Total War: Warhammer II – Mortal Empires (only Mortal Empires now on for synthetic sake), some technical …