Category: Gameplay Videos
If Life is Strange was a constant search for the identity of a teenager, the work of Infinite Fall is the next step: when you finish the “teen” years …
As a defender that the game could do much better in terms of narrative, the concept always fascinated me: dedicate so much effort to the story that the mechanics …
The desire and the ambition of EniGami to realize a competent Action RPG with very defined objectives are noticed . He knows to which audience he goes, a childish and youthful one that has grown …
This is how World of the West was born , a fun adventure of puzzles and exploration that proposes to solve a great variety of puzzles using the special abilities of four heroes.that by …
Yes. The Trails fan is devoted and patient. We are talking about probably one of the JRPGs that together with Trails of Cold Steel more cor relation exists between quality / …
What suffering, how much frustration … but also, how exciting and addictive can be the action of The Surge , a fearsome, implacable video game that punishes you over and over …
The freedom of action is one of the hallmarks of the genre and in this sense, the new Amplitude Studios does not disappoint. Expand you r empire as you like, using brute force …
here are so many ways to die in this challenging roguelike action game that the normal thing would be to get depressed and leave t he game, but no! You …
Remembered for the creation of Prince of Persia and its subsequent renovation with The Sands of Time, one of the obsessions of the American aut hor was always …
I do not want to bore you, so I’m going to be brief, but I have to list them because it’s important for the analysis. The first is strictly personal, …