Category: Gameplay Videos


A magical story about a world sunk in the ocean, punished by the gods. Our role: to redeem the human species from its sins by proving worthy of a second chance, on …


For Honor Analysis Making yourself feel like a warrior inside a medieval battlefield is the reason to be For Honor. Experience the oppression, cruelty, brutality and   tension that the …

Night in the Woods

Analysis of Night in the Woods Although little by little this medium is changing and evolving, we continue with an overwhelming dominance of the playable proposals that revolve around …


Things sometimes are not what they seem: neither having superpowers makes you immortal, nor having a seemingly puzzle mechanic prevents you from being an arcade action game. Because beyond comparisons …


During the 80s and 90s the video game world, for many of us, was already a very important part of our lives. The birth of the first journals dedicated to …


The absolute darkness was the electricity at home and the light of a candle created a penumbra that generated terrifying shadows. The porcelain doll in the friend’s house that looked …


Welcome aboard the Tacoma The Fullbright Company,  known for being the creators of  Gone Home  and having previously been part of 2K Marin where they devised “Minerva’s Den”, an original expansion for …