Author: Kane Dane


The entire game is divided into relatively short-party duel, in which two opponents, playing the role of the leaders of their own thieves’ guilds, compete, trying to quickly get …


The near future. Humanity settles in full solar system – flights beyond this planet have long been commonplace in space and people are working, and relaxing. “Tacoma” – a small …


Of course, the war has not gone to their advantage. He knows where the disappeared, and she, having seen enough of tin like burning people alive or Planting them on …


Now you will be able to defeat the universal evil in the company of his best friend, partner in Destiny , wives, sisters and even the dogs, if you can make …


At first glance LawBreakers seems almost an exact copy of the Overwatch . Eighteen unique characters, divided into nine classes. Five modes, each of which involves the sharing of tasks, rather than banal shooting enemies. …


The plot is still schematic: the main character, Avalon Darrow, dressed in a protective suit, saves residents the fictional town from the crowds of creepy creatures. This time, mankind took …