Author: Kane Dane
Embargo on the publication of reviews Doom eternal will be charged March 17th, three days before the shooter release. This was reported by Western media, have already received from …
Company Epic games announced the acquisition of the studio Cubic motionspecializing in creating advanced facial animation for games, movies and VR projects. Now the team will work in collaboration …
Users Steam actively discussing a solution Sony about release Horizon: Zero Dawn on the PC and speak out in the game thread about other coveted exclusivity ports from consoles …
Publishing house Square enix in the summer of 2017 released a role-playing card strategy on PC and PlayStation 4 Children of zodiarcs. And now the owners of the Xbox …
Company Disney temporarily stopped the production of some of its projects amid problems associated with the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. Under the “freeze” were both films, the shooting of which …
In the hands of the author of the portal Birth.Movies.Death. hit the screen version Bioshock, which never reached the screens in due time. He carefully dismantled it and made …
Announced recently portable console Switch lite in coral color will be launched in Russia next month, April 24, 2023company said Nintendo. Japanese gamers will be able to buy the …
In the hands of the author of the portal Birth.Movies.Death. hit the screen version Bioshock, which never reached the screens in due time. He carefully dismantled it and made …
Career mode Myleague in a basketball game NBA 2K20, an important feature of which is real-time tracking of the statistics of a real basketball association, has stopped working, players …
Number of pre-orders for a remake Final Fantasy VII for Playstation 4 increased dramatically after users tested what appeared in Playstation store demo version. This was announced by an …