Valorant will add a new agent and a battle pass next week – details

Riot games announced details for the next episode Valorant, which will add a new agent and an up-to-date battle pass. This will happen on March 3rd.

Become a newcomer Aster (Astra), which is able to manipulate space and time, thanks to which it has the ability to change locations. This can be done using the skill “Spatial rift»(X) – the girl places stars on the map and can activate them with other abilities.

In addition, Astra during the use of the “Rift” is in Astral form, where the girl can combine two points with each other – this way you can muffle sounds and block bullets.

Other active skills allow you to activate stars:

  • for creating “Gravity well»(C) – pulls enemies to itself and explodes;
  • activation “Supernova explosion“(Q) – stuns enemies;
  • Diffusion(F) – the stars disappear, and a false nebula appears in their place.

In addition, the developers have introduced a fresh Battle Pass. The free version includes all sorts of key rings, cards and graffiti, and the paid version includes a hatchet and skins for agents.

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