Tag: talks
The other day, a major update 20 was released for an online survivor Fallout 76. It opened the first season “Legendary race”, Added a system of public teams and …
Today went on sale the latest issue of the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, several pages of which are devoted to the expected horror Resident evil village the company Capcom. …
Since the release of the shooter Bioshock infinite about the fate of the game designer Ken Levine the mass user knows almost nothing. The legendary developer opened his small …
Since Batman: Arkham Knight came out in 2015, the Internet has been full of rumors and speculation about what the next project will be. Rocksteady. One of the most …
David Kepp, screenwriter of the original Spider-Man Sam Raimi, spoke about unrealized plans for sequels. Initially, he had an idea for a trilogy, but other people were already involved …
This month the legendary Japanese company Sega celebrates his 60th birthday. For such a momentous occasion, the portal OTAQUEST talked to Toshihiro Nagoshia veteran Sega, now occupying one of …
Studio Vice President Naughty dog Neil Drackmann gave an interview to the publication Gq, which was published as part of the promotion of the game The Last of Us: …
In the process of communicating with users, the showrunner The Witcher Lauren Hissrich spoke about the principles of screenwriting selection. Initially, the dialogue touched on the issue of racial …
Tactical role-playing game Valkyria chronicles 4 from Sega may not have become the largest release of 2018, but, nevertheless, deservedly acquired a large number of fans. Today thanks new …
Journalist Jason schreier published its first major material for the portal Bloomberg. And it is devoted to the controversial methods of the company Take-Two Interactive. As you know, under …