Tag: review
Perfect world entertainment and Echtra games announced Echonokthird and final act Torchlight 3. The game has recently gone into early access Steam. And the Echonok add-on will be available …
Duncan Jones, director of the fantasy film “Warcraft“, answered to some questions about the movie on Twitter. And, among other things, he said that he was never able to …
Polish studio The farm 51 released the next, fifth, planned megapatch to its thriller Chernobylite. It is called “Black stalker“And set it originally intended in the spring. A new …
Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova said that Russian cinemas should receive the right to resume rental from July 15. However, the date may well change. The offset will depend on …
Neil Drackmann first publicly talked about the moment when there was a massive leak of spoilers for The Last of Us: Part II, and many people, outside the context …
Russell Crowe told that the original version of the script “Gladiator” he was not at all impressed. According to the actor, working on the film was a unique experience, …
Studio developers Grinding gear games announced beta testing action RPG Path of exile 2 will begin no earlier than 2023. The delay was caused by serious schedule delays due …
According to the estimates of the analytical firm Sensor tower, mobile version Roblox earned $ 1.5 billion since release. At the same time, over the same period of time, …
Bethesda game studios shared the details of the first season Fallout 76, which will begin on June 30 and will last until mid-September. The authors remind that the seasons …
Blizzard presented the next quarterly progress report Diablo iv, which shared new details of the game. During the last stage of development, the team created a draft version of …