Tag: Nintendo switch games
On the YouTubechannel Playstation access there was a half-hour video demonstrating the Nioh 2 gameplay, where they showed the mini-boss and the final, as well as the game location. …
Publishing Studio Wales interactiveknown for games Late shift, The bunker and The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, announced a new project, very unusual. This is an interactive movie. The …
A few days after the publication of first impressions of “Birds of prey”, the embargo has fallen and full reviews. The detailed opinions are not as enthusiastic as the …
American Publishing Office Arc system works announced that the western release of the collection will be held soon Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle. A collection of classic …
Did not have time to get out the trailer of the ninth The Fast and the Furiousand Vin Diesel is already talking about the tenth. Apparently, it will be …
Insider Kormora shared the first details of the debut season of the fifth year Rainbow six siege. To begin with, Lord Tachank is finally waiting for a large-scale processing, …
A few days ago a Polish studio Jutsu gamesknown by the simulator 911 Operatorrendered on Kickstarter your unusual project Rustler. And those who invested at least $ 25 got …
1C Entertainment published the first diary of developers King’s bounty iiin which the role-adventure game team introduces the audience to the project. As in the previous parts of the …
Former journalist IGN and Kinda funny games Colin Moriarty in the latest release of his podcast Sacred Symbols + said that Insomniac games to the sequel “Spider man»Will release …
Famous Japanese insider Sabi, journalist Spiel times and Nintendo soup, shared on his twitter a new batch of information from sources in the industry. In the summer of 2019, …