the announcement of the fifth and sixth year, as well as a new short film – review

Ubisoft at the tournament finals Six Invitational 2023 introduced not only the fifth year of support Rainbow six siegebut also the sixth. The fact is that they are connected – they are made parallel to each other.

The developers call the fifth year a hybrid, because the first two seasons will be a “classic format” for operations, while the next two will be a new one, which will further develop in the sixth year.

Fifth year

As part of the first and second seasons, players will receive two new operatives each, processing one location (Oregon and Dom) and a combat pass, as well as one event and the Arcade List.

The third and fourth seasons will switch to adding only one operative, but the characters will become much more original, significantly changing the shooter meta. In addition to this, the developers promise large-scale changes in the mechanics and other features.

For the rest, the second half of the fifth year will repeat the first: no new cards, only the processing of Skyscraper and Chalet.

Fifth year of support

Sixth year

The sixth year (from March 2023 to February 2023) will continue the given trend.

Within each season there will be: one operative, one map (new or revised), one event, a series of “arcade events”, fundamental changes and, of course, a combat pass.

Sixth year of support

What else was announced at the finals?

Lord Tachanku really expects large-scale processing throughout the year: he will finally be able to carry his machine gun, and a grenade launcher will become a new gadget.

The gameplay for the new Lord was shown at the tournament under the loud excitement of the audience.

Confirmed and leaks about adding a vote for a new card, where of the three options two teams have to block one card, after which there will be only one location – it will pass the match.

Next – in the spring as part ofArcade»Will add a regime with golden pistols, where each player will have the same barrel, in the clip of which one bullet. After each shot you have to recharge.

In addition, Ubisoft presented a fresh short film on the Rainbow Six Siege universe, where operatives talk about preparing for the final of the Six Invitational tournament, after moving on to the action itself.

And finally. The developers announced two new elite skins. The first for Ash turned out to be unusual if only because it is a crossover – the girl got a classic Lara Croft costume from Tomb raider.

Kaveira received the following outfit:

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