Tag: New games review
Capcom, without explanation, reduced the cost of expanded publications Devil May Cry 5 and remake Resident evil 2 in the PS Store – now they are much cheaper than …
A few days ago Naughty dog published a vacancy for the graphic programmer The Last of Us: Part II, but most of all the description, where the required work …
There is no official confirmation that Nvidia will unveil its new GPUs in March, and Chinese sources are already reporting possible specifications for the new cards. According to MyDrivers, …
Ubisoft sued the owners of the site SNG.ONE, who provided their subscribers with services for organizing DDoS attacks on the servers of a team online shooter Rainbow six siege. …
The security of user accounts has been and remains one of the challenges for many companies. Often people are too lazy to come up with long and complex passwords, …
Action movie Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and has already received excellent reviews in Steam. Players note that the game came out …
Channel Bbc america showed the first shots from the future television series “The guards“(The Watch). They show some of the main characters of the show based on a series …
Company Bethesda reported that she was going to reseal Vault 94. This will happen with the release of the update Wastelanders. Thus Fallout 76 will lose its high-level content, …
British Independent Studio Noisy valley, consisting of three people, released the first trailer of its debut project. Summerford – This is a role-playing adventure inspired by classic horror with …
Studio Overhype has announced a new, third addition to its debut and so far the only game Battle brothers. It got the name Blazing deserts, Burning Deserts. As you …