In the second season of The Witcher, the Nilfgaard fighters will change their clothes – review

Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, show runner of the series “The witcher“, Took part in the podcast Written experience. And during the conversation she told a number of details about work on the second season.

In particular, Hissrich assured that the armor of Nilfgaard would change. Now the formidable soldiers, who were immediately nicknamed the “sharpei” and “caterpillars”, will look completely different. It seems that the costume designer was not fired.

Lauren Hissrich, as before the producer of the series Tomas Baginsky, admits that a number of mistakes were made in the work on the first season. And now the creators have a chance to correct some of them – to better tell a story, to understand what did not work and what can be done about it. And start over.

Like the first season, the new “The Witcher” will consist of eight episodes. Four directors will work on them, each will get two episodes. And the directors will shoot their episodes at the same time.

Hissrich did not name the directors, but from other sources it is known that among them Stephen Serdzhik (“See“,”Umbrella Academy“), Edward Bazalgett (“Doctor Who“,”Poldark“) And Sarah O’Gorman (“Jamestown“,”Last kingdom“).

Before the start of work, all directors are sent to a kind of “training camp.” There they explain everything about the world and the mythology of the series, about heroes and monsters, as well as what story the creators want to tell. In the course of training, they check how their vision coincides with the “official” one, and only after that they allow creative approaches to be shown.

The second season is currently in pre-production, but filming is about to begin in London. They were allocated 125 days, which is less than in the first season. But Hissrich is confident that, taking into account the acquired experience, they will cope faster.