Tag: free to play games top
Polish studio The farm 51 announced the release of the next, third megapatch to horror Chernobylite. Subject update “old friend“- the largest of all released all the time that …
American Publishing Office Arc system works announced that the western release of the collection will be held soon Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle. A collection of classic …
Did not have time to get out the trailer of the ninth The Fast and the Furiousand Vin Diesel is already talking about the tenth. Apparently, it will be …
The hollywood reporter released material on the departure of the vice chairman of 20th Century Fox (now 20th Century) Emma Watts and the general situation of the studio. The …
Capcom published a new gameplay video Street Fighter V: Champion Edition. In it, the authors showed several mirror matches at once, where Seth in a standard suit fights against …
One of the main ideologists and co-founder Rockstar games Dan Hauser will leave the company on March 11th. It is reported that in the spring of 2019, shortly after …
Last year, there were many reports of various problems with Windows 10. Their number decreased with the release of the November patch number 1909. However, recently Microsoft released update …
Bethesdaas promised, released a new trailer for a major update Wastelanders to Fallout 76, which acquired a release date – April 7th. It will be free for all Fallout …
Publishing house Team17 announced the release date of the chaotic simulator Moving outstudios worked on SMG and Devm games. The game will be released on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, …
Chinese company TCL Communications from August 31 will stop selling smartphones Blackberryafter which the brand will cease to exist. But support will be provided for two more years – …