The events of the novel covers the period 1123 -. 1174 years, a troubled time in the history of English is not settled state, when, after the death of …
2084-th year. The future has arrived, but it was not so rosy as it drew fiction. The poor have become even poorer, the rich – richer. There was a formal division …
Announcement South Park: Phone Destroyer at E3 2017 was not a surprise – apparently, Trey Parker (Trey Parker) and Matt Stone (Matt Stone) liked it so much disguise the characters “South Park” in The Stick of …
Inquisition answer From under the wing of Ubisoft broke several mobile projects, telling about all the famous fraternity and Order (which, alas, have not seen the light, as a strategy of …
The original game on the spot Raziel free time, providing a full-fledged “sandbox” with a lot of options, how to live and behave in prison, how to plan an …
Fans Life is Strange once dubbed Before the Storm prequel, which nobody asked. Their skepticism is quite understandable – the development involved a completely different studio from French Dontnod had to project nothing, and the ending …
in a series of games XCOM strangers usually are brought exclusively impersonal killing machines, different habits but only combat abilities. The biggest additions XCOM 2: War of the Chosen , built in the main …
Although many think that Mario – for children, theme and presentation of the material in many parts of the series is quite pull in the category and for adults …
The heavenly bodies are not standing still, times are changing. Many famous franchises are created today are not the people who stood at the cradle. That’s another giant igrostroya going …
Valve sends an official letter to the serious warnings, many large roulette sites are closed, the famous yutubery, considered themselves above the law, start to panic and hire expensive …