The Arena of Valor guide

This paragraph is devoted to those who have no idea what a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is, just to start with the notion), so if you are already in the genre you can jump it evenly.

For those who have stayed with me, know that a MOBA is first and foremost an online multiplayer title, of course, where two teams composed by some players challenge in real time. The mechanism is that of a real-time strategist, on a PC the mouse is used to move the character and direct the skills that are activated with the keyboard. In Arena of Valor this mechanism is reproduced through the thumbs of course. The movement is represented by the virtual joystick on the left, while the ability and direction of the buttons on the right.

Each hero has its role (which we will see in the next paragraph) and specific skills, through which it contributes to the ultimate goal of the game: destroying the base base. The map, in classical 5v5, is divided into three lanes (called “lane” in jargon) in which to advance by destroying the minion opponents and the towers that by hand block the advancement of the team. Outside the wools is the so-called “jungle”, or a portion of a map that hosts neutral monsters that give boosts to the team or single player. The “jungler” is the role that most interests the jungle, of course.

In the advancement the hero can rise to level and thus enhance his skills, three more basic, the most important and effective one. By dropping minions, monsters and heroes, they also get gold coins that are used to buy the equipment that will enhance the character of our character.

Regardless of the map, which can also be reduced in 3v3, 1v1, and 5v5 matches with single wool, the ultimate goal is always to collaborate to destroy the base of the opponent. Which hero do I choose? Like in any other MOBA, also Arena of Valor

The Arena of Valor guide, the portable MOBA

subdivides his characters into categories, also called “roles”: the Tanks are able to withstand so much damage, they are the shield of the team and their abilities are all voted for resistance, invasion of enemy fire, and in general the defense;

Warriors are equally ruthless heroes, and some of them fall into the Tank category, but instead they are able to inflict a good amount of damage and are often deputed to teamfight;

The Assassins are fragile but elusive heroes, perfect to hit and go, capable of inflicting many damage in a short time, often at just one hero at a time, Assassins are the perfect junglers for their high mobility; the Wizard is the role of a person who likes to control the situation, is at the distance and deals with inflicting damage through area spells and very powerful, or manipulating the status of opponents, fragile but potentially devastating;

Pirates are the characters who manage to inflict the greatest number of damage in a short time, and they do so by distance, so they are called to the game safely, are the heroes to be protected if they are allied and killed first if they are enemies; finally support heroes who, as the name suggests, help allies through the care, or by enhancing the features or, in general, with skills that support and support their teammates.

Pirates are the characters who manage to inflict the greatest number of damage in a short time, and they do so by distance, so they are called to the game safely, are the heroes to be protected if they are allied and killed first if they are enemies; finally support heroes who, as the name suggests, help allies through the care, or by enhancing the features or, in general, with skills that support and support their teammates.

Pirates are the characters who manage to inflict the greatest number of damage in a short time, and they make it from the distance, so they are voted to the game safely, are the heroes to be protected if they are allied and to be killed first if they are enemies; finally support heroes who, as the name suggests, help allies through care, or by enhancing features or, in general, with skills that support and … support their teammates.

So, depending on what your style of play is, try to orient yourself to a specific category. If you are ruthless and “quick” in mind you may opt for a killer or a shooter, for example. If you love team play you could be good support or tank. Would you like to annihilate your enemies? Warriors or magicians, so you can hear the screams of your enemies.