Along with the release of a new story trailer The Last of Us: Part II Studio Naughty dog published an appeal to fans on the official PlayStation blog, in …
In a quarterly report published May 5, the company Electronic arts spoke about plans to release 14 new games over the next 12 calendar months, including some kind of …
Western release Red dead redemption 2 from company Rockstar games took place a long time ago. Over the past months, millions of players on a variety of platforms managed …
Not so long ago it became known that Tom Cruise began to develop a film that will be shot in space – this helps him NASA and firm Ilona …
The new coronavirus infection COVID-19 has seriously affected the lives of billions of people around the world. In conditions of widespread isolation of the population, games became an alternative …
The network appeared the gameplay of the failed new part Prince of persia subtitled Redemption. The video was posted on YouTube eight years ago, but strangely enough all this …
Electronic arts announced the next, ninth addition to the famous life simulator The sims 4. It is called “Green life”And is dedicated to changing the world in the new …
Company Electronic arts has announced a new addition to the popular life simulator The sims 4. Featured extension, dubbed “Green life“, will be the largest of all previously released …
According to the portal DiscussingFilmfilm company Warner bros still not decided on the further development of Superman films with Henry Cavill starring. However, not everything is so rosy and …
Polish game resource PolskiGamedev published a massive investigation into the development of zombie action Dying light 2 from studio Techland. Recall that at the beginning of the year the …