“Those who can not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it”, George Santayana, 1905 There is something in History that makes it the perfect McGuffin for a good …
Oh, the so-called American Way of Life. The perfect life: House with garden, barbecue and neighbor psycho, work with good salary, a wife who loves us with madness, children who behave …
” Paris in Autumn. The last months of the year and the end of the millennium. I have many memories of the city: Coffee, music, love … and death . ” The string section starts …
“The fairy tales are more than real, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated” It is not easy …
Full Bore is one of those numerous indie games that began their career on Kickstarter and that, after a long time of work and promises, is definitely released on Steam willing to capture the …
Bound By Flame is the fourth game of the French company Spiders, veterans of Monte Cristo who decided to set up their own studio to perform the kind of …
The indie territory dares with any project to this day. The years have shown that great ideas can be accommodated in more limited budget developments. It is simply about exploiting the resources that are …
Supergiant won the hearts of many of the players of the last generation of consoles thanks to Bastion, an Action RPG that marveled, among other things, for its narrative. It was …
A year after the release of Blizzard’s excellent Diablo III, both a PC and Xbox 360 reached a title of an almost unknown Hungarian studio that, in the form …
It was in August 2013 when Goichi Suda , one of the most alternative Japanese designers integrated into the star system of the video game premiered Killer is Dead, his …