Nioh 2 gameplay video published: new boss and location

Nioh 2 gameplay video published: new boss and location

On the YouTubechannel Playstation access there was a half-hour video demonstrating the Nioh 2 gameplay, where they showed the mini-boss and the final, as well as the game location. They also demonstrated hand-to-hand combat and archery.
Events take place during the Sengoku period, and a half-blood man with youkai power will act as a protagonist – this is what a creature with supernatural powers is called in Japanese mythology. He destroys demons and other otherworldly creatures, while a particle of the demon lives in him.
Fights in the video are held in the castle of Kitanosho. The bosses are Maeda Toshiye and Shibatu Kutsuie. The video can be viewed below. Nioh 2 will be released on March 13 only PS4.
And, according to the producer of Nioh 2 Fumihiko Yasuda, the duration of the campaign in the game will be approximately equal to the first part. This depends on the style of the game, the level of the gamer and other points. Near Yasuda, the campaign took about 55 hours.
Nioh 2: story trailer about a half-blood hero and the announcement of three additions