Gravity Rush Remastered

Flying high

Charming main character Kate wakes up in Hekseville. She does not remember what happened to her, she was here and her name (her name will come up with one of the characters).

But seeing as the city begins to break down, Kat tries to help everyone at once destroys one after another dangerous creatures Nevi. That city and protection of all its inhabitants, and the girl will be engaged for more than twenty chapters.

Foes in Hekseville very much, so that the average person skills can not do here. Fortunately, next to Cat cat always goes Haze, through which she gains the ability to change the direction of gravity. Tired of running around on the road and want to get on the next wall?

Just press one button to choose the direction – and you find yourself on the desired surface. Because the games that opportunity is very rare, but here the developers have tried to make management as easy as possible, walk on foot on normal roads you do not want – a lot of passers-by. In Gravity Rush almost always or fly through the air, or running across the ceiling, getting to the right locations.

Use this skill to have and during labor with Nevi. Cat trained two basic techniques: kicking on the ground and in the air, and in the second case it is at high speed literally flies into the enemy, kicking him in the weak spot.

No matter how big or small Nevi was, on his body there is always a big bubble, and in which it is necessary to aim. If the creature is tiny, you can try to beat him on the ground, but the damage in this case is much lower.

Unfortunately, the use of only two basic techniques closer to the end of the game can be boring. Flights from side to side, of course, never bored, but by destroying monsters non-stop pressing the “square” to the final game campaign you get tired a bit.

But Nevi not just stand still and wait for impact – at the last moment they fly, bounce, close weaknesses. Sometimes Kate flight changes the trajectory to hit right on target, but still uncommon for the same enemy trying to hit two or three times.

Gravity Rush Remastered game review

Grabbing people and fly them to allow not only for the missions, but also in the free mode.

Greatly simplify the life skills and improve the parameters of the main character. Collecting scattered all over the world (on the roof, under the islands, in the tunnels) crystals, it is possible to increase the speed Kat flight, because of its impacts, as well as the effectiveness of special attacks.

All three of them, including throwing stones at enemies for a few seconds. However, the existence of these skills are constantly forgetting – I, for example, passed the whole game, never did not use them. More here, you can create around itself a gravitational field and throw at enemies barrels, boxes and other stuff, but it takes too much time compared to conventional boxing ears.

Inventing interesting mechanics, developers were unable to diversify the job in the story missions. That character is asked to kill all the enemies, drag people from one point to another, then do the same thing with some items.

The creators have tried to replace some other objects to the monotony of missions is not evident, but by the end of the game will still feel that the authors’ imagination dried up quickly. There would not have prevented any puzzle, even banal.

Style and Grace

Be that as it may, the shortcomings listed above are not spoils the impression. In many ways, the fun of the game comes from the gorgeous visual style, inspired by the French artist Zhana Zhiro(Jean Giraud). Each new location is impressive – all areas along the streets of pedestrians walking and sound its music in the squares are fountains … In Hekseville very comfortable, and leave this place does not feel like it.

Re-release on the PlayStation 4 has allowed developers to get rid of the low-resolution textures and other defects, though a small range of drawing is still not fixed. Yes, and facial animation has remained at the level of the portable console.

Gravity Rush Remastered game review

Icon in the top left corner shows how many more times can soar.