Category: Popular Games
Take drawings of Japanese anime, add collectible cards and a style of play that traces the super famous title Blizzard, seasoned with a plot not too complicated and you …
Few titles last year divided critics and audiences like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. We have rewarded him on our pages – appreciating the many improvements to the systems and the brilliant …
Let’s go back to talk about The Elder Scrolls: Legends, the trading card game in the world of Tamriel that, after a long phase of beta in which we …
Toukiden 2 finally arrives on PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita with an episode that sets quite clear objectives: further enrich the formula we had appreciated in the original game, introduce …
After the exclusive that binds the title to the Microsoft platform, Dead Rising 4 arrives on PC via Steam. Decorated trees, gifts everywhere, colored lights and a nice warm fireplace …
Although the market is saturated with a series of titles belonging to the same genres, one can not but consider the amount of players who request further iterations at …
2017 is certainly the year of the explosion of collectible card games and Faeria, the Belgian Abrakam team, is thrown into the fray trying to detach from the crowd with …
The important thing is to have a good starting point to work on to perfect the proposed formula. It is also not indifferent that, since it is usually played by …
Many games represent important steps forward in their respective genres, but few are aging gracefully in a rapidly evolving industry such as videogames. There are titles, however, so …
The award-winning company Telltale seems to have reached the point of no return: capable of churning out three or four different series per year, the software house is now …