Category: Games TOP
In Game The elder scrolls 6 from company Bethesda revealed an unprecedented realism and cruelty, which many fans were not at all happy about. However, new technologies will allow …
The main role in the next blockbuster Marvel after Avengers: Final, unexpectedly for the fans, they decided not to give Keanu Reeves, but to Daniel Radcliffe, whom many viewers …
Last night on the youtube channel Playstation dach, where materials are published for users of German-speaking regions (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), a video appeared ahead of time with the announcement …
Valve summed up the annual award Steam, naming favorites of service users in various nominations. This year there were only eight nominations, and the participants had to be selected …
Happy new year dear friends! I wish you happiness, all the best and more cool and interesting games in 2023! Well, by tradition, we offer you the first selection …
Authoritative British industrial publication EDGE summed up the year 2019 by presenting a list of the best games, developers and publishers of the last twelve months according to the …
Mobile devices are the most widespread and most profitable gaming platform with the worst reputation. Free-to-play farms, clickers and other crafts are trying their best to make users forget …
Long-suffering sequel Duke Nukem 3D went through many iterations. During development, the authors canceled several versions. For instance, Duke nukem forever 2001 was very gloomy and serious. According to …
Hideo Kojima always been a unique person. Recently creator of the franchise Metal gear released quite original Death stranding, and in 2003 provided users with, probably, one of the …
In early November, we talked about Nathan Brown – criticism of the reputable magazine EDGE, which refused to complete the passage Death strandingwith which he complained about politics Sony …