Category: Games TOP


The reboot of classics is a trend that often gives good exponents but sometimes ends up not doing justice to the originals and the tireless nostalgia of the taller players. Back in 1985 …

Alien Isolation

The ALIEN  fans  have suffered. Disasters like the everywhere erratic  Colonial Marines  or the decaffeinated  Alien Resurrection  of PSX have tried to honor the film brand of  Ridley Scott, James Cameron and company, born of HR Giger’s chilling original design for the aggressive …

A Bird Story

However, there was something in the first commercial title of Freebird Games that managed to excel with respect to projects born of the same engine, and it was an extraordinary sensibility …

Space Hulk: Ascension

Last year we received on PC a new proposal within the Warhammer 40,000 universe in the form of a turn-based strategy title with Space Hulk , an interesting and highly anticipated title by fans in charge of Full Control that tried to …

Way of Redemption

Come go. I admit it. I’m human, I’m not a robot. This is a subjective opinion and it bothers me that  Way of Redemption  does not work.   Although in the face of the …