Category: FREE Games
Developers from the Ukrainian studio Frogwares released a new video with answers to fans’ questions about the upcoming detective adventure Sherlock holmes chapter one… In particular, the authors of …
Studio Failbetter Games announced the release dates of the improved reissue of the adventure movie Sunless Skies: Sovereign Edition… The game launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch …
Publisher PlayWay and studio Cleversan Software announced about the postponement of the release of the new part of the famous series of simulators Farm manager… This is not the …
Studio Frogwares unexpectedly announced the release of an updated version of the adventure game The sinking city on consoles Xbox Series X | S – it is already available …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment unveiled a new wave of free subscriber games Playstation plus… For May 2023 console users Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 prepared the following selection: PlayStation …
Tomorrow, April 28, action role-playing Monster hunter rise for Nintendo Switch will receive a major update 2.0. It will add to the game the ancient dragons Theostra, Chameleos, Kushal …
Capcom held another show on Monster hunter, where she shared the nearest updates for Rise and presented the third trailer Stories 2: Wings of Ruin… Most of the attention …
Video games are still generally viewed as entertainment. And yet, behind the beautiful wrapper, there is often something deeper hidden, right down to whole philosophical concepts. offers a …
Polish studio Techland has published a new video dedicated to the zombie action movie in development Dying light 2… In him Timon Smectala, senior game designer of the project, …
Developers from the studio Sumo digital presented a new trailer Hood: Outlaws & Legendsdedicated to supporting the game in the first year after release. The first year of play …