Category: Xbox
Studio yesterday CD Projekt RED suffered an exit role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077 and held a new meeting with investors, during which senior company officials answered a number of important …
Another announcement voiced during the event EA Play 2023became a partnership agreement between Electronic arts and studio Final strike games for the release of a dynamic multi-user project Rocket …
Yesterday, the network was shocked by extremely unpleasant news – the release of the highly anticipated role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077 studios CD Projekt RED delayed again. Exit pushed back …
Company Firaxis in a new video she said that in the near future players are waiting Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. The developers will release the next major free update …
Publishing house Electronic arts and studio EA Motive introduced a six-minute game trailer Star Wars: Squadronswhich is entirely focused on gameplay. New project in the universe “Star wars“dedicated to …
Electronic arts held a 50-minute presentation of EA Play, where it presented several announcements. Remaster of the trilogy Mass effectUnfortunately, they did not show it, although its release is …
At the event EA Play adventure game was presented Lost in random from the team Zoink, which is the next representative of the program EA Originalsin which Electronic Arts …
Company Electronic arts introduced new game trailers FIFA 21 and Madden NFL 21that will take a peek at the new Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 consoles. The problem …
Despite the fact that most of the conversations in the industry are now devoted to next-generation consoles, one should not forget that streaming platforms from various companies are creeping …
Developer Thomas Mahlerholding a leadership position in the team Moon studiosthat gave the world the game Ori and The Blind Forest and Ori and the Will of the Wisps, …