Category: Play Station 4/5
Cities: Skylines PS4 Edition gives a great first impression. Even if further down the line you begin to notice a lack of content and bump into some minor frustrations, …
In a weird kind of way, Matterfall is what Mighty No. 9 was supposed to be. Artistically, the Housemarque developed side-scroller couldn’t be different to Keiji Inafune’s cartoon Kickstarter, but the gameplay – …
LawBreakers, originally called Blue Streak, was a free to play game or that’s what the theory was. However, that has all changed. It comes in two flavours available on the …
What do you think of when I say the words Japanese RPG? Is it funky themes, fantastic plot grounded in slight realism, and a metric ton of dialog? If …
Neon Drive is one of the best music rhythm games on the PS4 because it does the unexpected. The FingerGuns review; PlayStation gamers have been spoilt with some exceptional …
HOME SWEET HOME Disclaimer: This is a spoiler-free review of What Remains of Edith Finch. However, due to the story-driven nature of the game, those who wish to go in …
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows is a tactical RPG in an Italian, medieval setting. It builds a deep and interesting world with extensive lore, but it struggles under the weight …
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is aptly named, as it could end up being a sacrifice for developer Ninja Theory. The studio has been making finely-tuned action games like Heavenly Sword and DmC: Devil May Cry for years, …
When a new system launches, everyone wants more games on it. When the Switch launched back in March, it surprised most people and has turned into an amazing platform for a …
Spider-Man Homecoming has taken the world by storm. Delivering one of the best Spidey movies of all time and continuing Marvel’s stream of fantastic movies. However, outside the big screen, …