Category: Play Station 4/5
Rocket League is one of the coolest surprises that we will find this summer in the Plus service of Playstation 4 and also in PC .. There are few …
Before beginning, a small reflection and a warning. The main mission of an analysis, apparently of the one who writes these lines, is to try to give the necessary information …
A young man travels to his homeland he never knew. His head is full of mysteries and mysteries to discover. But it will not be long before h e rushes …
Mages of Mystralia is a small videogame, but done with great affection. It proposes an adventure to us with delicate simplicity, but that is fixed in the great ones. The title …
A happy world , that’s how the original title has been translated into Spanish: ” Brave New World ” that is proposed for this second episode. Choosing such a word game could be …
A colorful cat world In Cat Quest , The Gentlebros present us an isometric RPG adventure very simplified, colorful, tender and humorous, whose protagonists are the cats, gatherers of the continent Felinia. His story is …
The war hero became a cop The clothes we get dressed are those of a simple man named Cole Phelps . He is one of the many soldiers who fought against the …
Comic strips and bricks The story of Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 follows those of the first chapter. While our goodwill are busy dealing with daily criminality, Kang the Conqueror works in …
Within the vast universe that is related to this saga (videogames, OVAs, manga, etc.) the subseries .hack GU is still darker and denser than the original, at least in …
It is not a particularly groundbreaking title, but the new creator of Gears of War does not feel like “one more” among so many others. It has personality, novel ideas, …