Category: Nintendo Switch
Today an unexpected release of the role-playing game “Blood feud: The Witcher. Stories“from the studio CD Projekt RED on a mobile platform iOS. According to the plot, the players …
Not so long ago studios SFL Interactive and Maximum games showed how players Street power football will be able to participate in dance freestyle competitions. And now it’s time …
In recent years, our editors have tested a large number of different headsets and headphones, many of which were wireless. Manufacturers have already learned how to transmit sound through …
The current generation of game consoles surprised users with an unexpected episode – the release of intermediate systems that have better performance than the original Playstation 4 and Xbox …
The network has a new 10-minute gameplay video of the next part of the series Paper mario subtitled The Origami King. The video shows a new circular combat system …
Publishing house Bethesda soon intends to disclose release date Doom eternal on the console Nintendo switch. This was told by the head of the studio id Software Marty Stratton …
July 15th catalog Nintendo Switch Online replenished with three more games, namely the cult platformer Donkey kong country (SNES) fighting game Natsume championship wrestling (SNES) and Adventure The immortal …
Publishing house D3 Publisher announced that the western release of the action Earth Defense Force: World Brothers will be held in early 2023 on the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo …
Studio Inti createsknown for the action movie Koji Igarashi Bloodstained: curse of the moon, announced that it will release its two-dimensional cooperative sideskroller Dragon marked for death on the …
The event began with a cinematic intro Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong. There will be three main characters in the game – vampires belong to different clans, however their …