Category: News
The cat collar We are in the near future. Japan is under attack by a terrorist organization called Adonis. After gunmen shot dead by police officers, the organization announced the arrival …
Between the silence of the ice, the screams of war rise Sold for about ten euros, the expansion adds to the world of Total War: Warhammertwo new factions, namely the Norsca …
The advantage of retrieving titles with a few days of delay is to get more or less prepared for comparison: read reviews, watch videos, and realize what kind of …
One for all Funded on December 5, 2015, Indivisible is an RPG action developed by the creators of Skullgirl. This is a special combination of genres and inspirations: the base is …
It’s not a bad thing or something strange since, as I said, both products are home to that of Tencent. It’s not a bad thing, especially since, having to stay …
We have not revealed anything about the story that developers want us to find out only when the product is over: what we can say, however, is that throughout …
Shortly before the start of the Gamescom 2017 appointments, Microsoft allowed us to attend a press trial session dedicated to all titles that are either exclusive to the green …
Shelob, the King’s Return, falls under the sword of Sam, who finds in one of the eyes of the spider the only soft spot in his body and thus …
Another madness Six years have passed since the events reported in Chaos; Head (the knowledge of whose story is not needed to appreciate this title, well to emphasize it), …
We would have put too much time, by the way. We are, however, very happy with what we have now realized in VR because we feel that we will be …