Category: News
The freedom of action is one of the hallmarks of the genre and in this sense, the new Amplitude Studios does not disappoint. Expand you r empire as you like, using brute force …
here are so many ways to die in this challenging roguelike action game that the normal thing would be to get depressed and leave t he game, but no! You …
The bomb exploded, the tragedy was consummated !, and now you live a hell looking for answers. What happened? Who organized the kidnapping? Why did not you arrive on time? Questions, doubts and …
Remembered for the creation of Prince of Persia and its subsequent renovation with The Sands of Time, one of the obsessions of the American aut hor was always …
I do not want to bore you, so I’m going to be brief, but I have to list them because it’s important for the analysis. The first is strictly personal, …
However, making an action video game that is difficult is very simple. It is enough to put a leonine victory conditions and enemies that do not need to be particularly …
The second thing that surprises is that it also says something about Zelda, about metroidvanias and that with it Runic Games, creators of the outstanding Torchlight saga , have managed to distance …
Piranha Bytes , authors of Gothic or Risen , are one of the few studies that understand well the transcendence of these words and know how to reflect in all their works. THE …
His feat, however, would not be forgotten. The epic of this Celtiberian people spread all over the world to become a legend that still lives today. Surprisingly, this incredible story has …
We’ve got to try some of the expansions, but especially the already mentioned of Fantastic Animals and Where To Find It, which is the Main Story Pack this Christmas, …