Category: News
Characters available will also have a level and as you play you will unlock more powerful or just different skills. To launch one you will need to find a set …
This is a blend that will kick off a line of graphic adventures, inaugurated with Amerzone , and find its highest point with the release of the two chapters of Syberia, still …
In Shadow of WarUnfortunately, trophies traveling on this same wavelength are so many and I have tracked them differently. The first one is obviously the only one missing (yes, I miss …
The title is immediately after the stories told in Fate / Extra , where the protagonist, having woken up without memory in a bizarre virtual world, is forced to participate in …
Wild lands The plot used by the new Tom Clancy’s is discreetly abused in the recent common imagination, but it is not that intriguing: it is catapulted in Bolivia, we should …
The developer’s response was clearly positive in our attempt to highlight a different target, but we also managed to outline the differences between the family title released by Shinjuku …
Frenzy I took away The series of adjectives, verbs and nouns that opened our analysis tell a lot about the nature of the cage of BeardedBear , but to be more specific and …
Robot Attack In imprint-X , this is the name of the game we’re going to talk about today, some nanomachines called “Guardians” have la unched an attack and enslaved all those …
The videogame, finally, as a form of art Accepted by magnificent and mastodontic statues of the millennium, even before going into the details of the video game itself, the …
The nostalgia of Infinity When Ueda conceived the ICO concept in 1997, his intent was to create a videogame that diversified from the mass of action games of the …