Category: News
The Russian segment of the Internet today marks its 26th anniversary. On April 7, 1994, the .ru domain was officially registered in the world. In honor of the holiday, …
As reported Variety, Timur Bekmambetov will be the producer of the new version “Romeo and Juliet“. The project, currently under the working title R # Jwill put Carey Williams. …
The Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) announced a tender to develop a concept for the implementation of eSIM. The maximum contract value is 15 million rubles. According to the documentation, …
Dear Readers! We continue to improve our site and today we want to draw your attention to the emergence of several new features. Under each publication on our …
Command Xbox announced a new wave of games for subscribers Xbox game pass as part of the April program release Inside xbox. The list is as follows: Alvastia Chronicles …
Today Microsoft spent a 40 minute Xbox insidethat was filmed remotely. The first announcement was the survival campaign storyline Grounded from Obsidian, where the children are reduced to the …
As part of the April issue of the program Inside xbox company Microsoft announced a new game Obsidian entertainmentsandbox Groundedwill be released in early access in Xbox game pass …
Publishing house 505 games released a new trailer for the June 2 PC version of adventure action Death stranding japanese studio Kojima productions. The new video is dedicated to …
Design company Tin giant, in which one of the creators of the original Xbox works Rob Wyatt, filed a lawsuit against Atari in the Colorado federal court, accusing the …
Company Activision and studio Infinity ward released a trailer dedicated to tomorrow’s start of the third season in a shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and shareware royal battle …