Category: Gameplay Videos

Tropico 5

Tropico is consolidated in Haemimont Games , just as the leaders who star in each game of the saga, cling to power with all their might. The big difference with respect to these, …

Wasteland 2

Wasteland has been -and will be- one of those reference classics, of those games that are taken as a yardstick when comparing any similar product.   Not in vain, has …

The Legend of Korra

It’s funny, but the practice of taking out games based on movies , TV series or other audiovisual properties is being lost . Not one hundred percent, it is clear, but consoles and compatible …

Raven’s Cry

Raven’s Cry has, for some time now, been struggling to live, to reach the market after not a few problems in its development (among which are two delays and a …