Author: Kane Dane
It became known about new harsh measures to combat the deadly coronavirus, because of which those people who hide the presence of their disease will be executed. Chinese authorities …
The retail price of the smart speaker “Yandex.Station Mini“May grow due to the downtime of plants that let in components for it. The same can expect “Capsule” Group. …
Having bought the studio 20th Century Fox, Disney gained control of all her franchises, including “Planet of the Apes“. December edition The hollywood reporter reported that the company launched …
The famous singer and soloist of the Ivanushki International group Andrei Grigoryev-Apollonov, who is also known among the fans as the redhead from Ivanushki, sharply aged and scared his …
Epic games added to Fortnite dance from the video for the song “Never Gonna Give You Up”, performed by British singer Rick Astley. Emotion is already available in the …
The genre of walking simulators is gradually evolving, offering unexpected topics for discussion or incredibly twisted stories. Italian studio One-o-one games trying to create a mystical haunted thriller, but …
Collection of Updated Games Series Yakuza (Yakuza 3, 4, and 5) became the largest new physical release last week in the UK. This was reported by the portal …
The star of Avengers: The Final, Robert Downey Jr, who played Iron Man (Tony Stark), and Tom Holland, who played Spider-Man, appeared in The Back to the Future shocked …
Modder under the nickname Twochack posted a video of a “cartoon” role-playing mod The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, on which he has been working with other enthusiasts for several …
Cosplay model Natalya Narga Kochetkova recreated the image of the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore from the Warcraft universe. The basis of the outfit, the girl took the look of the …