Author: Kane Dane
A half-demon rider The story is set after the events of the first chapter: Aluche, Curia Agent (the organization fighting the demons), is commissioned to lead the beloved Liliana …
Looking for lost time Hat in Time puts us in the shoes of a young girl, captain of his own spaceship, which is robbed of all his Time Pieces by …
We already knew from March 2016 that Animal Crossing , among others, would come on mobile. In addition, after Pokémon , the Nintendo brand is perfect for being transposed on smartphones and tablets . The Animal Crossing gameplay is the …
From nothing to anything The process of impoverishing the gaming manual was indeed progressive, starting with the new millennium: at 16-bit generations , game guides were real pieces of art, often …
Never thought the wardrobe was such a dangerous trade! Strafe is one of those games that does not help us and does not give us directions; rather, he prefers to …
Even mechanics, as well as the passage between screens is extremely basic: the protagonist can jump, climb or roll under the obstacles where planned and, as you proceed, unlock …
Wang in the house Nothing has changed at the narrative level, and, we are told, nothing could have changed: Wang has a personality focused after the reboot of 2013, …
Tekken 7 is inverted into fifteen chapters of history, all packaged in such a way that you can experience a focal and some contour clash, all of which are focused …
Planetary love This title was born in fact as a true student project of a team of French guys who, after receiving good feedback from the public, made the …
Battle Chasers: Nightwartells the story of Gully, the girl above, with enchanted gloves that have been left to her by the deceased father: intent on answering the recall of …