Author: Kane Dane
May 1 Valve Announces Relocation of the Tournament The international 2023 Dota 2 indefinitely due to coronavirus. Esportsmen, analysts and other fans of the game sadly but without surprise …
Burnout paradise remastered for Switch will come out June 19th, company announced Electronic arts. In american eShop information about the release date appeared in the middle of last month, …
Debut trailer premiered 24 hours ago Assassin’s creed valhallawhere we first saw the world of new items – Norway and the ninth century England. And it seems that the …
Japanese studio Platinum games reported that she could not release a remaster The Wonderful 101 on physical media on time, as I ran into problems caused by the coronavirus …
Female version of ivor from Assassin’s creed valhalla voiced by the actress Cecile Stenspiel. The girl reported this on her Instagram. Cecile’s career in cinema is outstanding – since …
A series of fighters “John wick“you can blame for a lot, but what really does not raise any questions is how competently the staging of fights and shootings is …
In early March, the company Sony Interactive Entertainment notified users about the upcoming change in value Playstation plus in a number of countries, including Russia. The amendments entered into …
Based on a mobile role-playing game King’s raid this fall an animated series called Royal Raid: Heirs of Desire. The original is a three-dimensional role-playing gacha action, which since …
Actress Hannah John Caymanwho performed the role of the Ghost in the sequel to Ant-Man, received an offer to play Jill valentine in full length reboot Resident evil from …
It was obvious, but now officially confirmed. In a statement to IGN Swedish studio Dice reported that the next part of a series of battlefield shooters is created for …