The manga is set in a steampunk world, on an island in the middle of the ocean. In the center of the island is the entrance to the Abyss, a dangerous place full of natural wonders and mysterious artifacts. They are left from a highly developed civilization that disappeared thousands of years ago, and their prey is the main occupation of specially trained riders, “whistles”.
In the manga, 12-year-old Riko went to the Abyss in search of her mother, accompanied by her pretending boys, the robot Reg, one of the most valuable artifacts of the Abyss.
But in the future action RPG, we will learn a completely different story, written with the assistance of Akihito Tsukushi. She will talk about what happened many days after Riko and Reg went to the Abyss.
Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness will be released in 2023 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
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