Delightful Lady Gaga in fresh frames of the film “Gucci House” by Ridley Scott

New footage from the upcoming biographical film has appeared on the network “Gucci House“from the director Ridley Scott… The footage depicts the Oscar-winning actress and singer Lady Gaga (Stephanie Germannotta) as Patricia Reggiani, the ex-wife of the head of the famous fashion house, Maurizio Gucci.

In addition to Lady Gaga (“A star is born“), the cast of the film shines with many other notable actors who complement the Gucci family, including Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci, and Jared Leto, Jeremy Irons, Al Pacino and Salmu Hayek

The plot of a film based on a popular biographical novel The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamor, and Greed by Sarah Gay Forden, tells the story of Patricia Reggiani’s organization of the contract murder of her husband, Maurizio Gucci, the head of the fashion house, which happened in 1995.

The Russian premiere of “House of Gucci” will take place November 25

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