“Venom 2” showed the main villain Karnazh

In the upcoming Venom 2 movie with Tom Hardy on comics Marvel showed the main villain of the film, which will be the alien symbiote Carnage (Carnage). In the movie Venom 2, Woody Harrelson will play the role of Cletus Casedi.

According to Gamebomb.ru, a new shot from the Venom 2 film offered franchise fans a fresh look at what the alien symbiote Carnage would be like, known as one of the most evil and cruel symbiotic creatures. As in the first film “Venom”, the main character of the sequel will remain Eddie Brock performed by Hardy, who managed to negotiate with his symbiote. At the end of the Venom movie, Brock visits Kletus Kesedi in prison, which is a teaser for the events of the Venom 2 movie. In the new frame, Carnage was shown with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth and a long tongue.

While there are no official shots of Venom 2 in the network, it is not yet known how the final version of Carnage will look like. In addition, it is possible that the appearance of Venom itself will be changed in the continuation of the picture. The new director Andy Serkis is working on the film Venom 2, and filming of the film started recently. The information that work on the sequel “Venoma” has begun has been shared by Tom Hardy in his social networks, but later on his notes on this were deleted.

It is suggested that the film Venom 2 may include the Spider-Man cameo performed by Tom Holland from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is expected that Venom and Spider-Man can become the main characters in the movie Venom 3. According to Gamebomb.ru, the premiere of Venom 2 is scheduled for October 2, 2023.