These moons have ore!

And hello again, hardworking kapsulory. It’s time for yet another article about the processing complexes and lunar mining from your friendly neighbor
In today’s article we will talk about the future in this year’s changes in the composition of the moons, the distribution of lunar materials and exploration of moons that are part of the input to the game processing complexes. All the juicy details are given below, but if you are only interested in summary, then just scroll to the end of the article.

  • new ore
  • The composition and distribution of materials
  • Improvements in exploration moons
  • Summary of the article

As we said in the previous article , the introduction to the game processing complexes “Apvell” revolutionize the process of extraction of lunar materials used in the manufacture of items of the second tehkategorii. To replace the old approach based on passive materials hourly production unit POS comes drilling unit which pulls out of lunar rock and outputs it to orbit for further development kapsulorov ships.

We talked about the general features of the new lunar mining process during the main presentation on “Fanfest” earlier this year, as well as in the previous article; for those who want to refresh their knowledge on the subject give a link to the full video review (Eng.):

  1. Processing complex that is located in the right place near the moon, will be equipped with special drilling module. At one time production can lead only one building.
  2. Owners need to establish parameters of the process, where the size of the discoverable piece of rock will depend on the time it takes to complete the task.
  3. The module then separates this piece from the moon’s surface and begins to pull it to the side structures. The process takes from one to several weeks, depending on the choice made by the owner of the building. Moving rocks can track an observer that would be a kind of method for estimating the end time of the portion of the operation.
  4. After the end of the process of moving rock can explode with the help of the drilling module, thus turning it into a cluster of asteroid. The exact time undermining controlled by the owner of the complex, but only within certain limits. If you leave the rock unattended for some time, it will fall apart by itself, as a result of forming all the same cluster of asteroids.
  5. In it will contain new types of ores during processing are obtained lunar materials. The composition of the asteroid cluster will depend on the composition of materials in the very moon. Location clusters, in general, will not allow to conduct effective extraction within the radius of the entrance to the dock, but it will allow the pilot to control the complex to cover their allies and / or attack intruders.
  6. After undermining the drilling module will start to split a new area of ​​the lunar surface, ie, start a new cycle.

New ore

new types of ores, mentioned above, are another major change process of extraction of lunar materials. Currently resources (such as hydrocarbons, titanium, cadmium, technetium, cadmium or dysprosium) are obtained corresponding POS unit in a form ready for carrying out conversion reactions in materials and intermediates, ultimately, into composite materials for the production of articles second tehkategorii. In the new version this process a piece of lunar rock being eroded, it generates new ore that can be produce kapsulorov vessels for further processing (standard manner) in lunar material.

New ore during processing will produce more than one material, as is the case with most of the existing ore. At the moment, we plan to add 20 new types of ores, obtained in the above process. In each of them is the main material constituting the greater part of the output volume, and several other materials, which account for the remaining volume. As a minor will often act lunar materials, but sometimes they are ordinary minerals. 

For example (the names are not binding) of ore “Blank” may be able to receive a significant amount of vanadium as main material, and also a little cobalt and evaporites. Ore “Lunmaty” may be, it will be processed into dysprosium with a number of silicates and meksallona.

These new ore will have five degrees of rarity, by analogy with existing lunar materials, ie, very rare lunar materials will be obtained from the most rare ores. In order to facilitate the processing of these ores (as well as the ability to use new drilling crystals) we introduce five new skills ore processing, one for each degree of rarity. These new skills will work similarly to the existing ore processing skills, giving two percent increase to the yield of useful resources, with the only difference that each skill will be applied to the four types of ore instead of one.

The composition and distribution of the materials

together with a new way to develop moons come and a new method of assessing themselves moons and new moons distribution of materials on the New Eden. Currently, each crescent may comprise certain types of materials, which means the ability to produce them using POSs. As part of the moon can not be material, but the material may be one or even several; the owner of the production plant itself can choose what to extract materials.

A new approach to the development of the moons implies the presence in their composition of several ores, where each of them is a certain percentage of the total composition of the moon. This composition can include old and new ore and will always add up to 100%.
For example, exploration of the moon could show that it consists of:

  • 45% skordita
  • 40% of the new moon ore (very common)
  • 15% of the new moon ore (medium rarity)

While the other moons could be the following:

  • 35% spodumeyna
  • 25% of the new moon ore (medium common)
  • 20% bistota
  • 20% of the new moon ore (a very rare)

The second moon is considered much more valuable than the first. In this system, as the moons of the difference is much less sharp than previously, allowing organizations to set different priorities for the development of the moons.

Your corporation or alliance would prefer the moon having a small number of extremely valuable ore from which you could skim the cream and ignore the less valuable ore in order to save time? Or you are looking for the moon with a wider distribution of valuable ores that will make big profits in the month, at the same time demanding and more time on their prey?

In addition to the above-described processing composition of the moons will perform a full reset the existing distribution of lunar materials. We run the algorithm, which will set the composition of the moons of all the “low-SECAM” and “zeros” in the form of a new interest. This reset is performed in the update, which will bring to the game processing complexes.

We will test this distribution in the coming months on our test servers, including the “Singyuleriti”. We want to clearly state that the distribution, which sooner or later will be on the “Singyuleriti” will be created based on another of initiating compared with the subsequent operation of the algorithm on the server “Tranquility” in the update release day.

Resetting the distribution of materials in the composition of the moons will allow the new system to start working from scratch, will allow for the conversion to the new percentage format, and will be an excellent opportunity for the intelligent and purposeful prospectors profit during hunting resources. We will test this distribution in the coming months on our test servers, including the “Singyuleriti”. We want to clearly state that the distribution, which sooner or later will be on the “Singyuleriti” will be created on the basis of initiating another comparison with the subsequent operation of the algorithm on the server “Tranquility” in the update release day. Resetting the distribution of materials in the composition of the moons will allow the new system to start with a clean slate, will allow for the conversion to the new percentage format, and will be an excellent opportunity for the intelligent and purposeful prospectors make a profit during the hunt for resources. We will test this distribution in the coming months on our test servers, including the “Singyuleriti”. We want to clearly state that the distribution, which sooner or later will be on the “Singyuleriti” will be created on the basis of initiating another comparison with the subsequent operation of the algorithm on the server “Tranquility” in the update release day. Resetting the distribution of materials in the composition of the moons will allow the new system to start with a clean slate, will allow for the conversion to the new percentage format, and will be an excellent opportunity for the intelligent and purposeful prospectors make a profit during the hunt for resources. They will be created on the basis of initiating another comparison with the subsequent operation of the algorithm on the server “Tranquility” in the update release day. Resetting the distribution of materials in the composition of the moons will allow the new system to start with a clean slate, will allow for the conversion to the new percentage format, and will be an excellent opportunity for the intelligent and purposeful prospectors make a profit during the hunt for resources. They will be created on the basis of initiating another comparison with the subsequent operation of the algorithm on the server “Tranquility” in the update release day. Resetting the distribution of materials in the composition of the moons will allow the new system to start with a clean slate, will allow for the conversion to the new percentage format, and will be an excellent opportunity for the intelligent and purposeful prospectors make a profit during the hunt for resources.

Improvements in exploration of moons

in connection with radical changes in the composition of the moons and future prospects of their intelligence, we are preparing a significant improvement of the interaction of players with the intelligence system of moons.

Exploration moons is a little-known part of the job search engine in EVE Online: special probe launcher is used to determine the presence of minerals in the composition of the moons. This process is relatively little changed in the last few years; there are plenty of places where we saw an opportunity to improve the user interface and feedback to the player.

Fundamentals of Process Intelligence moons are:

  1. Equip your ship corresponding module – launcher lunar probes (Survey Probe Launcher). Sabotage frigate particularly well suited for this task because they have the advantage in speed of analysis. The choice represented by three types of probes differing analysis of speed, capacity and requirements for skills.
  2. Arrive to any moon in the “low-CCEE” or “zeros” and begin to move toward her.
  3. Click the radial button “Airborne razvedsistemy”, then click “lunar probes” to open the lunar probes.
  4. When you run such a probe, he starts to fly in the direction you move your ship (similar to bombs). Probes few minutes flying through space, and then analyze the composition of the moon, which is right in front of them. If you missed the moon, then the results will not be. If the moon does not contain any minerals, the results will not be.


Our achievements will bring improved window lunar probe, which will display the remaining flight time of each probe with an indication of what they are trying to explore the moon. If you missed the moon, the purpose of the column will display “Unknown”, clearly signals the need to launch a new probe. Upon completion of the percentage composition of the moon is displayed in the window.

The kit also includes modifications greatly improved clarity of intelligence system of moons, some changes themselves physicists probe to improve the realism and a limit on the maximum distance at which you will be able to carry out the exploration of the moon.

The above changes will appear on the interface “Tranquility” before the processing complexes and reset distribution lunar materials. The scale of the work on the processing complex can not be underestimated, so we worked hard on the early completion of many aspects, in order to devote more time to their testing and performance reviews. The new interface moons intelligence available on the test server “Singyuleriti” in the coming weeks, and “Tranquility” – in the August issue. Between the August issue of the release and processing complexes new interface will continue to display the number of lunar material and not the interest of their content.

This early release -lish one of several aspects of the interface updates being explored in advance, while in full swing work on the upcoming winter update. Earlier we released (without announcing it) server code, which will allow the magazine account of production to fulfill its objective function. Soon we will reveal more information about the first round of early testing themselves in the processing complexes “Singyuleriti”.

For everyone – summary of the article:

  • Processing complexes will be released this winter
  • A new approach to the development of the moons:
    • The ore to be delivered to the surface of the moon in orbit, to extract and process it in lunar materials
    • Processing systems only use them accessible drilling module, allowing to extract ore from the moon and bring it into orbit
    • At one point of time the moon will only be able to lead the development of a processing facility
  • new ore
    • 20 new lunar ore, obtained during the extraction of lunar materials
    • Processed into one primary lunar material and several secondary (lunar or conventional)
    • Available only in the asteroids formed in the course of the development of the moons
  • The composition and distribution of materials moons
    • Moon will consist of various ores, given as a percentage of
    • Consisting of both lunar ore, and conventional
    • Full discharge distribution of lunar materials when an update is available
  • The August improvement in the process of exploration of moons
    • More user-friendly interface display moons composition
    • The “Copy to Clipboard”
    • Showing miss (a probe flies past the moon, the results will not be)
  • wait timer results for each probe

We expect to soon bring you to improve intelligence processes moons, and hope that you are excited on a par with us coming meltdown of lunar materials! In the upcoming weeks and months, we will continue to produce articles about various aspects of processing facilities and other changes in structures.

Successful construction!