The series “The Witcher” was defeated and said that there are no girls fighting with swords

The popular series “The Witcher” from the company Netflix He was defeated by a critic who said that there are no girls who can fight with swords. This infuriated many netizens who disagreed with this point of view.

Writer and critic Andrew Klavan, during his recent podcast, said that he did not like the series The Witcher. According to, Klavan said that the main disadvantage of the show is that female characters in it fight with swords and are not inferior to male characters in this matter. “Immediately I was pushed away by the fact that in this series there is a queen who fights like a man. There are a couple of scenes in which women fight with swords. And I just hate these scenes because no woman can fight with swords. None of them can do this, ”said Andrew Clavan, alluding to Queen Calante, who knows how to handle the sword perfectly.

According to the critic, any man with swords will fight much better than women. “I mean, in that situation, if a woman who knows how to fight with swords meets in battle with a man who also knows how to fight with swords, she’ll just be killed,” Clavan added. The writer admits the fact that a woman with a sword will be able to kill an unarmed man in a duel. However, in war conditions and under equal conditions, girls will not have a chance to confront the guys. Andrew Clavan believes that the creators of the series and did it worth to make Queen Calante a man.

Network users, in turn, reacted extremely critically to the speech of the critic. Many told Clavan that in sword battles, the main thing is not only brute physical strength, but also a technique that some girls can master better than guys. “Battles with swords are mostly agility and speed. Speed ​​provides most of the power, ”one user tried to explain why girls can also fight with swords well. Commentators also recalled many historical figures. Some of the girls, in turn, even called Andrew Clavan to a duel with swords.

According to, the 1st season of the series The Witcher with Henry Cavill as Geralt was released on December 20, 2019. It is noted that the 2nd season of The Witcher will be released only in 2023. The creators of the series do not want to rush, and also plan to fix all the mistakes of the first season.